Reinforced Concrete Condition Assessment
The degradation of reinforced concrete civil engineering works is a challenge for owners who need to keep ageing structures in service and extend their life. Reinforced concrete assessment is a powerful decision-making tool for engineers responsible for these types of structures. Reinforcing steel corrosion is well-known as a factor in the degradation of concrete civil engineering works, but it is difficult to quantify via conventional inspection methods (visual inspection and hammer sounding).
Englobe solves this problem by using non-destructive assessment techniques, such as corrosion potential surveys and geo-radar.
Our Services
- Mapping to locate areas presenting a strong probability of corrosion, by using non-destructive testing:
- Corrosion potential survey
- Geo-radar (four-antenna truck for large areas)
- Other (resistivity, ultrasound, impact echo, linear polarization, etc.)
- Delamination and cracking survey
- Concrete core sampling
- Laboratory testing (compression strength, chloride ion content, pH, absorption, resistivity, air pockets, etc.)
- Characterization of pathologies: alkali-aggregate reaction, carbonation, chloride ion contamination
- Cathodic protection to control corrosion in reinforced concrete (impressed current, composite or sacrificial anodes)
- Electrochemical treatment (chloride ion extraction, re-alkalization)
- Qualitative control of materials (steel, asphalt concrete, cement concrete, membrane, paint, etc.)