Organics Waste Management
We offer a full range of solid waste management services that include tracking by-products from waste generators such as municipalities, industry, business and institutions, up to reclamation. We also recycle in compliance with legislation and regulations.
With our extensive network of disposal sites and end-user clients, we reclaim over 400,000 tonnes / year of municipal bio-solids, pulp and paper sludge, and waste. Our composting sites produce over 100,000 tonnes / year of high-quality compost and soil for horticultural, municipal and commercial clients. Treatment of fertilizing residual materials (FRM) via composting is another solution we offer to our clients.
We keep local communities and upstream stakeholders in mind in all of our solid waste management services.

Our Services
- Turnkey services or services adapted to the needs of solid waste generators and disposal sites, including needs assessment and identifying win-win solutions.
- Certified solid waste sampling
- Solid waste characterization
- Applied engineering for recommended solutions
- Complete coordination and management off solid waste transportation
- Crop fertilization, pH remediation, soil structure improvements
- Agronomic services (agro-environmental recycling plan, authorization certificate, agronomic recommendations, etc.)
- Technical support for end-user clients (monitoring deliveries, calibration and monitoring spreading)
- Development of revegetation plans for degraded sites (pits, quarries, mines, landfills, industrial sites, etc.)
- Establishment and operation of composting sites
- Production and sale of compost and soil mixes manufactured at composting sites
- Collaboration and coordination with government and municipal services to meet regulatory requirements and obtain all necessary permits