The health and safety of all Englobe employees is our top priority. Whether working at one of our soil treatment and biomass reclamation facilities, laboratories, or in the field, Englobe has made it a priority that staff adopt safe habits and behaviours in the performance of their daily tasks.
Englobe knows that safety is the result of close and constant attention to planning, training and inspection. We are proud of the efforts made by all of our employees at our many offices, our road map, which has earned numerous awards, and our ISO 45001 certification, which we have obtained for most of our business locations. Achieving this internationally recognized standard attests to the quality of the system put in place to prevent work-related accidents and illnesses, and to continuously improve the company’s management system.
To that end, Englobe has adopted a strict policy and a framework program based on this certification. We also have a full-time occupational health and safety advisory team to assist our business units in managing and achieving their health and safety objectives.