Profile of Salmon Spawning Grounds on the Romaine River – Côte-Nord, QC

Customer : Hydro-Québec

Englobe prepared a comprehensive geomorphological profile of the bed of salmon spawning grounds along the Romaine River, north of the Havre-Saint-Pierre municipality in Quebec’s Côte-Nord Region, in preparation for the construction of a hydroelectric plant. The project involved characterization of vertical structure and granulometric composition, and assessment of the degree of mobilization of the surface substrate in connection with hydrological events (spring and fall floods, etc.).

The Englobe Advantage

By adapting technology to suit the needs of its clients, Englobe meets their objectives regardless of a project's working conditions. For this project we used new sampling techniques (e.g. LISST-100X) to take in situ particle size measurements of the suspended solids in the water column, and a freeze corer to take undisturbed samples of the substrate from the spawning grounds